Kind Reminders

In AR Mode, the corresponding video will only pop up when the word card is scanned.
If video lags or matching errors appear in AR Mode, you can try to remove the word card from the screen completely and put it back to fix the problem.
Matching errors appear more frequently in scanning the cards of colour category. Please take this into account before you purchase.
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Basic Instruction

Choose and match picture cards and word cards that you and your child like and put the pair on the card holder.
Turn on AR Mode in the mobile app and scan the card pairs
Watch the video of the vocabularies and the explanations, and learn the vocabularies in English, Hong Kong Sign Language and Cantonese.
After learning, go to Learning Diary in the app and fill out your learning progress. You can also stamp on the learning progress sheet.
Parents can help children revise the vocabulary and concepts making use of the word cards and picture cards.
To make the activity more challenging, parents can choose the word cards first and invite children to find corresponding picture cards.
Parents can watch the video of vocabularies and explanations in mobile app and understand the visualized concepts expressed in the sign first, and further explain their vocabulary and the concept to the children when playing with the child.
Every package has only one learning progress sheet. If you have more than one children, please consider making a photocopy before stamping on the original sheet.

If the child is 2 years old…

Increase linguistic input: Parents can repeatedly read aloud the corresponding vocabulary of the picture cards in hand deliberately.

If the child is 3-4 years old…

Increase linguistic input: Parents can create simple sentences according to the picture cards to help the child acquire the basic sentence structure (SVO), such as: you choose… / I like… / … is red.

If the child is 5-6 years old…

Encourage language production – Parents can ask children simple questions to encourage them to express themselves and help them connect linguistic knowledge to daily life experiences, for example:

Parent: What is the picture card that you are holding?
Child: Soup
Parent: What are inside the soup?
Child: Tomato

*If the child gives no reply, apart from encouraging them to express themselves, parents can provide a bit support by adding more descriptions or listing some day-to-day examples, for example (soap): you drank that last night / mammy cooks it all the time.

Game recommendation

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Sign and Guess

  • Choose a certain quantity (can be divisible by number of participants) of matching card pairs (word cards and picture cards) and use a card pair in each turn.
  • Participants take turns to try to sign the content of the card pair and other participants have to guess whether the sign is correct.
  • Scan the card pair with AR mode of the mobile app and check the answer.
  • The participant who make a right guess can own the card pair.
  • If more than one participant guesses correctly, play paper-scissors-stone to decide who can own the card pair.
  • The winner will be the one who owns the most pairs of cards.

If the child is 2 years old…

Encourage the children to observe the detail in the picture cards with additional descriptions, for example:

Duck: ducks have a long and flat beak and they make ‘quack’ sound!

If the child is 3-4 years old…

Children at this age know basic interrogative sentences. Parents can ask the children simple questions with “What”, “Where”.

If the child is 5-6 years old…

Children at this age love to ask about the meaning of newly acquired vocabularies. Their learning motivation are very high and parents should seize these golden learning opportunities, and make more detailed explanations of the content of the picture/word cards to kids:

Parents can make use of the explanations provided by Dictionary in mobile app, for example: fire fighter: fire fighters wear a helmet with a raised part in the middle and put off fire with fire hose.