1993 Sign language research and deaf training programmes started in The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor James Woodward invited Professor Gladys Tang to form a research team to investigate Hong Kong Sign Language. In addition, they also collaborated on a number of research programmes and related activities, including seminars, conferences, community service, public consultations, etc.
2003 The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies is founded by Professor Gladys Tang, Professor James Woodward and a group of postgraduate students and deaf junior research assistants at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as Asia-Pacific’s first research institution specialising in sign linguistics research and deaf training. The Centre also provides services to many local organisations and schools, including talks, trainings, development programmes, speech therapy services and a vast range of sign language courses.
2006 Professor Gladys Tang and team started the “Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education (SLCO) Programme”
Based on the guiding principles of “Sign Bilingualism” and “Co-enrolment”, a series of educational programmes from preschool to secondary education have been launched to enable deaf and hearing children to develop collaborative learning using both signed and spoken languages through the co-teaching of deaf and hearing teachers. The SLCO Programme is the first of its kind in Asia, and it is internationally recognised as a successful example of deaf-hearing inclusive education. Nowadays, the Centre also provides deaf education consultation for other Asian countries.
2013 Professor Gladys Tang was presented the Hong Kong Humanity Award at the event co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong, for her contribution and dedication in deaf education and training.
2016 The establishment of SLCO Community Resources
With the support from the ‘Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund’ of CUHK, SLCO Community Resources is established to promote “Sign Bilingualism” and “Co-enrolment”. In the future, SLCO Community Resources will mainly focus on developing programmes, whereas the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies will concentrate on relevant academic research. In addition, SLCO Community Resources and Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies will work together in professional training programmes, promotion of deaf awareness and deaf education.